WOW is a unique source of plant nutrition since three essential nutrients are naturally combined into one mineral. It provides a readily available supply of
Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur to growing plants in an ideal ratio. It has an advantage of having all nutrient contained with in a single particle which helps provide a uniform distribution of nutrients when it is spread in the field.
Potash (K,O) – It is known as the quality nutrient. It promotes healthy roots system, increases plant vigour and resistance to disease un-cold. It is also essential in sugar and starch formation, and the movement of nutrient in plants.
Magnesium (Mg) – It is the central element of the chlorophyll molecule, the pigment molecule responsible for absorbing sunlight during the photosynthesis. It acts as both an enzyme activator and a constituent of many enzymes providing magnesium and potassium in the proper balance. WOW helps in increasing and plant Strength and builds resistence to winter kill, drying, insect attack and spray damage
Sulphur (S) – It helps build proteins in plants and is a key component of many unique traits. It puts the green and leafy and distinctive flavours to crops and improves there Quality. Sulphur deficiencies all of particular concern as ‘sulphur dioxide emission – reduction programs causes less sulphur to retumed to the soil via atmosphere WOW provides an adequate supply of sulphur for healthy crop production,
Benefits : WOW is a readily water soluble and immediately available to plants. WOW helps in chlorophyll formation and protein synthesis in plants. WOW aids vigorous root growth. WOW Improves drought tolerance. WOW helps in formation of sugars, oils and fats. WOW place an important part in the formation and trance location of sugars. WOW influences the tillering or branching of plant and size and weight of the grains. WOW enhances the ability of plants to
resist disease, insect attacks, cold other adverse conditions. It has low salt index and virtually chloride – free. It is thus an ideal K, Mg and S source for chloride and salt sensitive crops such as fruits, vegetables, grape vines, potatoes, sunflowers, sugarcane and tobaco. When K,O is applied to the crop, MgO assimilation is surpressed but in WOW application MgO and K,O are equally assimilated by the plant.
It supplies K, Mg, S in a balanced proportion that fits the
nutrients needs of many crops.
Dosage : 1Kg perAcre, as foliar application
Crops : WOW can be used on all types of crops including
Paddy, Chill, Cotton, Vegetables, Beetroot, Banana,
Pomegranate, Grapes, Tree Crops, Citrus and Salt-
intolerant crops like – Fruits, Potato, Tomato, Sunflowers,
Sugarcane, Tobacco and many more.
WOW can be mixed with an insecticides and fungicides.